“Veterinary Pen” website, owned by (Vet) Company for digital content.. It is the first media platform that discusses and talks about all issues related to the production process of livestock, poultry and fish in Egypt and the Arab world.. Its motto is “Commitment to Specialization.”“Veterinary Pen” .. came after a lot of confusion prevailed in the market and the spread of rumors and false and incorrect scientific information on social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter) and other sites that help spread rumors in our veterinary community.More specifically, the process of producing protein in its various forms (meat - eggs - milk - and other strategic commodities that concern the national food security of each country), in addition to our cooperation with the sectors concerned with the private and governmental industry, to find solutions at the hands of specialized experts in all sectors. . .The site has been working from the beginning to spread awareness and science in its simple and attractive forms to reach all workers in the field, especially since the site’s policy supports the state’s policy in increasing the production process in order to comply with the state’s strategy during the coming decades, which is what President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi stated to advance Egypt’s national food security.